Applications for the E-2 Visa must be structured as .PDF files, divided into sections indicated by tabs. The application is limited to 50 standard-sized pages, excluding specific tabs. Bring any additional supporting documents to the interview. Note: Children under 14 generally do not need to attend the Embassy interview.

Tab A: DS-160 Confirmation and Photos

For all principal applicants and dependent family members, submit the DS-160 confirmation page generated by the online system, accompanied by suitable photos.

Tab B: Passport Photocopies and Family Certificates

Include photocopies of the data (photo) page of passports for all applicants. Attach marriage and birth certificates for dependents as appropriate. Do not send any original passports by mail.

Tab C: Form Completion

E-2 investor applicants and all E-2 dependent family members should accurately complete the “E Visa” segment of form DS-160 instead of DS-156E. E-2 essential employees and managers must fully complete form DS-156E parts I, II, and III online, including an email address.

Tab D: Cover Letter

The cover letter must describe the company, position, and beneficiary, addressing E visa eligibility requirements as per the Foreign Affairs Manual and US law, detailing the trade, investment, and role of the applicant.

Tab E: Treaty Country Ownership

Provide proof of treaty country ownership and controlling interest in the enterprise.

Tab F: Investment Proof

Include evidence of investment or active investing process, showing actual purchases, contracts, and substantial expenses, excluding wire transfers.

Tab G: Active Commercial Enterprise Proof

Submit proof that the enterprise is real and active, through sales receipts, client lists, contracts, and photographs of the business.

Tab H: Substantial Investment Evidence

Provide evidence that the investment is substantial as defined by 9 FAM 402.9-6(D).

Tab I: Non-Marginality Evidence

Show that the enterprise is more than marginal and capable of generating significant income or contribution, not solely providing living for the applicant and family.

Tab J: Role and Skills Evidence

Include the applicant’s résumé, certifications, and degrees. For essential employees, detail essential skills, organizational chart, and reasons for not hiring a U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident.

Tab K: Business Plan

For new enterprises or those under 2 years old, submit a 5-year business plan showing projected profits and expenses. Older enterprises should provide the first 5 pages of recent tax returns.

Tab L: Legal Representation

Include Form G-28 to indicate legal representation, with contact details.

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